Monday, June 20, 2011

Par-ty! Par-ty! Par-Tee!

 So, maybe I should call Better Homes an Garden.........a friend pointed out that it looked like a magazine coer. Neat idea. Had a buffet nibbly party for students and their parents, on the weekend. End of the year and all that.  Made the punch from Gingerale, Raspberry and Pineapple and Lemonade Juices. Froze strawberries in a block of ice to keep the punch cold. Was a great conversation piece.  Decided to bring out all my best china...what's the point of keeping it in the china cabinet...needs to be used and enjoyed.
 Got a couple of goodie trays and deli trays fom the local grocery store bakery and deli. Free, I might add. Had enough store pointst  to host a wedding, if  I so wished. The leftovers were taken to Morgan's work later on, here they were devoured with great gusto.
 Cupcake Tier...made a nice butter cream frosting...not sugary...more butter than anything else, and piped it onto the cupcakes. Not having a piping bag, I fashioned a large Ziploc bag into a  concical shape, taped it in place, cut off the end and it made a better piping bag than I could have hoped.
 Coins and candy citrus fruits stuck in the top. They disappeared pretty fast.
 Beautiful and made sushi by a family who owns a Japanese Restaurant in town. Tasted wonderful...fresh, lovely flavours compbined with each other.
Oh, and Bo........( bad Bo)........eyeing that sushi...wanted in on the action.  Was a great day.

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